6. Major Project Theme


Smart technology for the elderly and disabled

Based on my initial idea, I would like to focus on how smart technology implemented at home can be a huge help for people with disabilities.
Many people, whether elderly, at the stage of rehabilitation or disabled, have to function at home. Care is not always available 24/7, and every person wants to be an independent individual for as long as possible. Therefore, I believe that smart technology should be practiced and improved for such cases, because it can facilitate everyday activities, ensure safety and improve the quality of life.

Currently civilisation has access to many smart devices that can already help people with disabilities in everyday life, such as:

  • Smart homes: Home automation allows to remotely control lighting, temperature, security, and electronic equipment. Thanks to this, elderly and disabled people can comfortably control their surroundings, without the need to move around the house. 
  • Wearable Devices: Wearable gadgets such as smartwatches can monitor basic health metrics such as heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. In case of irregularities, the device can automatically notify the caregiver or medical staff. 
  • Virtual Assistants: Voice assistants such as Alexa and Google can help with everyday activities such as finding information, reminding to take medication, controlling devices around home, and connecting with family and friends. 
  • Telemedicine: Thanks to telemedicine, patients can contact health professionals remotely, which facilitates access to medical care for people with reduced mobility. In addition, the technology may allow remote monitoring of the patient's health and faster response in the event of health problems. 
  • Smart wheelchairs: Wheelchairs equipped with smart technology can be controlled by gestures, thoughts, or smartphones, giving people with disabilities more control over their environment. 
  • Adaptive technologies: A variety of adaptive technologies can help people with disabilities, such as special keyboards, touch screens, screen readers, and speech-to-text applications that facilitate communication and the use of electronic devices. 
  • Sensors and Monitoring: Smart motion, smoke, and hydrocarbon sensors can monitor home and alert residents and emergency services in the event of an emergency such as a fall, fire, or gas leak.

Now, I would like to show how IOT technology could help disabled and elderly people in their daily life:
  • Fall Detection: One of the leading causes of hospitalization in the elderly is due to falls. Advanced wearable devices and sensors can detect falls in real-time and immediately alert family members, caregivers, or medical professionals. Some devices can also predict an impending fall based on the user's movements, giving them or their caregivers time to prevent it.
  • Voice Controlled Home Appliances: The integration of smart technology in home appliances such as refrigerators, ovens, washing machines, and televisions allows users to operate them through voice commands. This technology can greatly assist individuals with mobility impairments or those who find it difficult to manually operate these devices.
  • Assistive Robots: Robots are being developed and improved to aid in tasks like cleaning, fetching items, and even providing companionship. They can be particularly helpful for individuals with physical disabilities or those who have difficulty performing certain tasks due to aging.
  • GPS Trackers: These devices are especially useful for individuals suffering from cognitive disorders like dementia or Alzheimer's disease. These smart GPS trackers can provide real-time location updates and enable safe zone settings. If the individual leaves this zone, an alert will be sent to their caregiver or family member.
  • Health Monitoring Systems: Advanced health monitoring systems can track a person's vital signs and other health metrics around the clock. Data collected from these systems can be reviewed by healthcare professionals to tailor treatment plans and quickly respond to emergencies.
  • Smart Beds: Smart beds can monitor sleep patterns, adjust for comfort, and even detect health issues like sleep apnea. For people with reduced mobility, some smart beds also have features to assist in moving the person to a sitting position or helping them get out of the bed.
  • Accessible Smart Devices: Smartphones and tablets with built-in accessibility features can be incredibly helpful. Features such as voice recognition, text-to-speech, and gesture-based controls can make these devices more accessible to people with disabilities.

How it can be seen, smart technology has the potential to greatly enhance the lives of the elderly and disabled, promoting independence, safety, and health monitoring. While the technology is continually evolving, the ultimate goal remains consistent: to ensure a high quality of life for all individuals, regardless of their age or disability status.

  • Sandro Nižetić et al. (2020) Internet of things (IoT): Opportunities, issues, and challenges towards a smart and sustainable future, Journal of Cleaner Production. Elsevier. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095965262032922X?casa_ token=RV_jexDnSokAAAAA%3AETWmZeh7kmP6MFvaillhosSZWZoJpmDTc geNj4U-3HRzCxGMZYEiE6bEQLcOhnrds05qaQ (Accessed: 16.04.2023).
  • Promvichai, N. (2020) Download Digital Health is mix of technologies design for free, Vecteezy. Available at: https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/965418-digital-health-is-mix-of-technologies-design (Accessed: 08 May 2023).
