9. Computer Ethics

"Computer ethics is the set of commonly agreed principles that govern the use of computers. Like ethics more generally, computer ethics is essentially a set of philosophical guidelines or moral standards that aim to influence behaviour and prevent harm. "

Some important issues in computer ethics are:

Information privacy is one of the major issues of computer ethics. The most important thing is to ensure the protection of users' personal data.

Online security refers to the protection of information systems against hacker attacks, viruses and other threats. Computer ethics promotes the development of technologies that increase security as well as responsible behavior on the part of users.

With the digital development, the number of infringements of copyright and intellectual property is also increasing. Computer ethics seeks to promote fair use of copyrighted works, such as software, music, and movies.

Freedom of speech and censorship strike a balance between freedom of expression and protection from harmful content.

Computer ethics emphasizes that people who work in the technology industry have a duty to maintain high standards of professionalism and care for social good.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Computer ethics examines the moral and ethical aspects of the use of artificial intelligence.

Bearing in mind what ethics applies on the Internet and looking at what a disabled person needs, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Data privacy: IoT devices collect huge amounts of data about users. For people with disabilities, this can be particularly sensitive information about their health and daily routines. Organizations must have strict policies in place to protect this data, in line with applicable laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  2. Enabling and Accessibility: IoT devices must be designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical abilities. This means that more inclusive design practices are needed that take into account the needs of people with different types of disabilities.
  3. Use and understanding: There is a risk that people with disabilities may not fully understand how their data is used or may not be able to take advantage of all the features of IoT devices. Effective means must be in place to ensure that people with disabilities are fully informed about how their data is used and how they can use technology.
  4. Autonomy: IoT devices can increase the autonomy of people with disabilities, but they can also pose a risk of over-control or oversight. People with disabilities need to be in control of how and when they use technology.
  5. Compliance: When using the IoT to monitor health or provide care, it is important to obtain informed consent from people with disabilities. They should be fully informed about how the technology will work and what the potential benefits and risks are.


  • What is computer ethics? (2022) North Wales Management School - Wrexham Glyndwr University. Available at: https://online.glyndwr.ac.uk/what-is-computer-ethics/ (Accessed: 23.04.2023).
  • Computer ethics (no date) Computer Ethics - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/computer-science/computer-ethics (Accessed: 23.04.2023). 
  • (No date) Ethics - free of charge Creative Commons Keyboard Image. Available at: https://thebluediamondgallery.com/keyboard02/e/ethics.html (Accessed: 23.04.2023).
