2. Introduction

In this post I would like to talk little about myself.
I choose DMU because is one of the best universities in the United Kingdom. My firends in study here as well and I heard a lot of good opinions about this place. 
My first met with DMU it was on open day. When I saw campus at first time I was delighted with the view. It is lovely place wih a lot of place where you can fulfill your hobbies. No matter that kind of interest you have, they can provide place and tools develop your skills.

Currently I am on second module on year zero at Computer Sience, and this blog is my diary from module called Computer skills and reserach. But also we have in this module EAP lvl 2 and Problem solving, As computer skills is an interesting field, problem solving in talking about Phyton and other programing language, what is my main interest. It is related to my plan for the future, that I want to start working in the industry, where I can write an proper aplication to run this place and be able to manage it.

I hope in the next 10 years, after finishing this course I will be able to work with others to create userfriendly programs that help to improve fluency at workplace.

  • https://www.pexels.com/pl-pl/zdjecie/tekst-listy-slowo-alfabety-11159221/
