16. Demographic questions analysis

My demographic questions included age and gender.


My research was conducted on 18 respondents. The survey was conducted among foundation year students of programming at DMU.

From the data on age, it can be concluded that the vast majority, i.e. over 44% of the respondents, were between 18 and 25 years old. These are therefore young people shortly after graduating from high school. It can be concluded that still a significant number of people starting their studies are young people who want to continue their education.

On the other hand, the last number of the people was between 25 and 30 years old, which may indicate that people who have completed education and are starting work are more focused on career than on further education. This may be confirmed by the fact that the group included people over 30 years of age who, after gaining experience and being dissatisfied with their careers, decided to change their profession.

Another aspect is gender. As can be deduced from the chart, more than half of the respondents were male, and almost 28% were people who did not want to comment on this topic. However, it must be taken into account that this group may also include men.

This clearly shows that IT majors are more likely to be taken by men, but they do not constitute such a majority anymore. Considering that there may also be women among those who do not answer the question, the scales begin to balance.
