17. Genereal questions analysis

My first question was how often the interviewer uses smart devices. It may be a trivial question, but often people do not understand  what a smart device is and such a question is a good reflection about life around us.
However, based on the fact that the majority of respondents were young people, and that over 77% answered that they often use technology, this shows that the awareness of the existence and omnipresence of technology is huge.

The next question referred to the opinion whether smart technology is useful for the elderly and disabled.

As it is known, learning new technologies comes very hard with age, especially if there are additional problems in mental or physical fitness. However, the majority  of respondents that is 83%, confirmed that despite this difficulty, it is worth learning because it is an important help in everyday life of such people.

The next question concerned the devices that the respondents think can best support the everyday life of people with disabilities.

The overwhelming number of votes was in favor of voice assistants. It seems that being able to just say a command can be a huge help. As more and more devices start to be compatible with them and be controlled by voice, the survey clearly confirmed these observations.

Finally, the respondents were asked what their ideas are for the direction of technology development that could help the elderly or the disabled.

Some pointed out that technology has already done a lot of good and indicated everyday devices such as elevators or automatic doors, which may not be classified as smart but also facilitate everyday activities.

It is very important to be aware that technology is not only based on smart technology, but also on improving existing tools that are used by everyone and do not need direct access to the Internet.
